Mallory’s Birthday was on 12/12/12

There has been a lot of talk about 12/12/12 and how it will only happen once in 100 years. Wouldn’t it be cool if your twelfth birthday fell on that date? Mallory Taylor got to celebrate her “golden birthday” on December 12, 2012. A “golden birthday” might also be called a “lucky birthday”. It is the birthday when you turn the age that matches that day’s number. For example, let’s say that your birthday is on the fifth day of a certain month. The year you turn five is your “golden birthday”. It has been said that this is a … Continue reading

My Favorite Meal of the Day

With pregnancy came the necessity to increase my protein intake by more than double of what I would normally get in a day. In order to meet my protein quota I would eat two eggs for breakfast every single morning. At first I ate two fried eggs over medium with a piece of toast, but once morning sickness kicked in, I developed an aversion to toast (and I could not eat over medium eggs without toast). Because of my busy and early morning schedule, I would have two eggs scrambled. At about twelve weeks my midwife told be that I … Continue reading

Mother’s Day

In honor of Mother’s Day, I thought I’d take a moment to contemplate my experience of motherhood. My experience of motherhood began with my own mother. While I don’t remember the nine months I spent growing in my mother’s womb, nor do I recall the eighteen months my mother spent breastfeeding me; I do remember that my mom was always there for us. I remember blissful summers eating fresh strawberries and green beans from the garden that my mom spent countless hours cultivating. I remember long winters spent sledding or shoveling our long driveway and the hot cocoa and roaring … Continue reading

Can Clothing Make You Sick?

I admit that I am somewhat of a germaphobe. it all started when I had kids. It is amazing how often you think about germs when you have kids. I feel like I am in a war. Of course, I don’t win every battle, but I do my best to keep on the winning side of the war. I carry antibacterial gel in the car and encourage hand washing. I disinfect the doorknobs and toys during flu season. I don’t let the kids eat things that fall on the ground. But one thing I really haven’t thought about is germs … Continue reading

Amazing Sick Day

You know that you’ve angered someone, somewhere, when you wake up after a restful night of sleep and your child is whimpering with a temperature of 103. I’m not sure who I upset but my son was not a happy camper mid-week and this has certainly had its effect on the remainder of the week and my ability to do all sorts of things. There are lots of bad things when you have a sick child. Lots. You have to reschedule your life around the baby. You have to quickly figure out who’s going to skip work (or what babysitter … Continue reading

Amazing Animal Videos

A while back I wrote about a baby water buffalo who had survived a lion and a crocodile attack –all of which was caught on tape. I was so impressed by that baby water buffalo and his brave herd. (The herd had come back to help save the baby and chased off the lions.) But recently two other amazing animal videos have come to my attention. Dolphins Try to Save Their Own On YouTube there are a ton of dolphin rescue videos. Mostly of people saving dolphins, though. There are a couple of dolphins saving whales, but the other day … Continue reading

Once Upon a Day – Lisa Tucker

The characters in Lisa Tucker’s Once Upon a Day immediately sucked me into their world. This story is told through the point of views of many interesting characters. Stephen was a doctor, and quite happy in his life until his lost his wife and daughter in a car accident. Because he couldn’t save them, he gave up medicine and began driving a cab. Dorothea is a twenty-three year old woman who has never before left home, gone to school, or had a friend. She’s been raised with her brother in The Sanctuary, by her father and grandmother. While she’s had … Continue reading

Day #3 on Body-for-Life, Supplement Review

Universal Animal Pak One of the keys to weight loss that most people miss is taking a good multi-vitamin and mineral supplement. When we’re trying to lose weight, we often follow unbalanced diets and expect our bodies to not only do their day-to-day on these unbalanced diets but also to do extra exercise as well. Expecting so much from a body that isn’t getting the amount or type of food that it is used to can be a recipe for disaster. If you aren’t eating right but exercising more, you’ll get run down very quickly and most likely get sick. … Continue reading

Love Notes: Groundhog Day

Today is Groundhog’s Day also known as Candlemas. It’s a celebration of light returning to the world and for others it’s Groundhog’s Day, the day the groundhog sticks his head out of his nest and if he sees his shadow and flees back, then we’re in for six more weeks of winter. If he doesn’t, then we’re in for an early spring. The groundhog isn’t always an accurate barometer of the length of our winter, but hey – it’s a fun story. They even made a movie called Groundhog’s Day that featured Bill Murray as a man who relived the … Continue reading

Romantic Quotes For Scrapbooking Valentine’s Day

Scrapbooking Valentine’s Day isn’t always easy, because sometimes we do not have pictures to coordinate with the events. However it is still important to scrapbook this special day. Because we don’t always have photos of these events, using photographs from other occasions, perhaps of the two of you as a couple, is an easy fix to the problem. However, you might still be left with plenty of empty space to put something else on the page. I absolutely love using quotes on my scrapbook pages and I collect them whenever I find them. The following ten quotes are excellent romantic … Continue reading