Becoming a School Bus Driver

As of May 25, 2008 I have been a stay at home dad for one year. During that time we, like many families have struggled to put bread on the table and gas in the tank. One day last winter I spoke to a friend at church who had asked about our family. He told me that he had been out of work for a while and had recently started as a substitute school bus driver. He asked me, “Have you ever thought about being a school bus driver?” I honestly have never thought of doing that. I used to … Continue reading

Score One for the Kids

Since becoming a parent I try very hard not to judge other moms and dads. However, there are some things that I simply cannot reconcile being done to children regardless of circumstances: severe beatings, starvation, mental abuse… and leaving a kid alone in a vehicle. I realize that many, many parents routinely leave their children unattended in vehicles during quick pit stops at stores, the post office, gas station or when picking up older kids at school. I once met a mom who left her 6-month-old strapped in an infant carrier in the back seat of her vehicle while she … Continue reading

Growing Wings

A couple of weeks ago, I had the odd experience of going downtown on the bus by myself on a Friday night. Let’s just say that I am not usually a Friday night partygoer, at least not any more. However, I wasn’t going to a party, just a meeting. On the way, I looked out the bus windows. As we got closer to our destination, I saw a flash of gold coming toward the side of the bus. It moved closer, and a woman dressed in gold with six-foot tall gold fairy wings attached to her bike pedaled past us, … Continue reading

Father Makes PTA History

When was the last time you saw a dad at a PTA meeting? Apparently, males are scarce at most Parent-Teacher Association meetings, which is why the appointment of Charles J. Saylors as the new president of the educational organization is making headlines around the country. The Parent-Teacher Association is a national organization of 5.5 million members, though most of them are mothers, who have a reputation of being domineering, highly-organized and driven (not that I’m into stereotyping or anything). According to The New York Times, men make up only 10 percent on the national PTA membership. However, studies show male … Continue reading

Giving Thanks for Safe Travel

I think it is safe to assume that when most of us get behind the wheel of our vehicles we wholly expect that we will get to our final destination in one piece. In fact, many of us are probably so busy either trying to dodge traffic so we make it to said destination on time or are completely distracted by the ten million other mental notes we are formulating in our minds that the thought of NOT getting to work, school, the supermarket or the pediatrician never occurs to us. Bottom line: Safe travel is something many of us … Continue reading

Henry Huggins – Beverly Cleary

“Henry Huggins” is Beverly Cleary’s first published novel, and it’s a delight. Henry is a precocious little boy who’s just a bit prone to getting into trouble, not that it’s his fault, but fate just keeps interfering with his plans, sometimes in laugh-out-loud funny ways. When we first meet Henry, he’s buying an ice cream cone after an afternoon of swimming at the YMCA. A hungry stray dog wanders up to him and starts licking its chops. Henry doesn’t want to share, but the dog looks starved, with all those ribs sticking out through its fur, so Henry gives up … Continue reading