Bonding With Your Girl–Paper Dolls

My oldest daughter is eight years old. One of her favorite hobbies is making paper dolls. She has been doing it for a couple of years now, and as she has grown, she has gotten more and more skilled at it. Now there are several “levels” to the involvement that I can have with this particular activity. It can range from her showing me her work that she has completed already, to watching her design and cut out and make a single outfit, to creating an entire line of clothes for a season with her. (This last one is the … Continue reading

Dancing with Daddy

Here is an awesome way to bond with your daughter. Dance with her. Don’t wait until her wedding day and your future son in law cuts in after you dance with her to the song, “Daddy’s Little Girl”. Take the chance to dance with her every time you can. My wife and I homeschool our children, and we went on a field trip to Lincoln Center on the West Side of New York City today. There was an event called Lincoln Center Outdoors, and it involved live music from many musical styles and performances of many dance disciplines. It was … Continue reading

The Best Movie Ever

My wife and I certainly have our hands full. Between our jobs and raising five state of the art sleep interference devices, we find that we have very little time just for ourselves. As I’m sure you very well know, parenting is a 24/7 gig. Anyway, last night we had finally gotten the kids off to bed, and were enjoying a rare, quiet, adult conversation in the living room. An actual real live conversation were there were no paper dolls, Transformers, My Little Pony, or Little Einsteins mentioned at all. Suddenly, our conversation was interrupted by sleep interference device #2, … Continue reading