YouTube is Not for Kids Under 13

Parents need to be aware that YouTube is not intended for children who are under the age of 13. YouTube has been making efforts to protect minors and families, and recommends that kids who are 12 and under use YouTube Kids instead of the main YouTube. According to YouTube, it never was intended to be used by children who are under the age of 13. That is why they created YouTube Kids in 2015. It is a safe place for kids to be able to explore their interests and for parents to have more control over what their kids can watch. … Continue reading

Scientists Say Glitter is Bad For the Environment

Glitter is popular with many people. You can find glitter on fancy holiday cards, in some cosmetics, and on your preschooler’s latest artwork. One annoying thing about glitter is that it has a tendency to spread. Environmental scientists are calling for a ban on glitter because it is an ecological hazard. Dr. Trisia Farrelly is an environmental scientist. She said all glitter should be banned because it is a microplastic. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says that microplastics are the most prevalent type of marine debris found in our ocean and Great Lakes. Microplastics come from larger plastic … Continue reading

FDA Warns of Dangers of Codeine and Tramadol for Children

The Food and Drug Administration has posted a safety announcement that warns parents of the dangers of giving children codeine pain and cough medicines and tramadol pain medicines. This warning includes a recommendation that women who are breastfeeding not use codeine or tramadol. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued this safety warning in April of 2017. It is an update to two previous safety warnings. One was an evaluation of potential risks of codeine cough and cold medicines in children that was issued in 2015. Another was an evaluation of the risk of using tramadol in children aged 17 … Continue reading

“Hypo-Parenting” is Not a Parenting Style

Have you ever wished that you could hypnotize your children so they would behave the way you wanted them to? One parent has been doing exactly that, though there is no science to support the idea that hypnosis is an effective parenting tool. Lisa Macheberg is a hypnotherapist who has three children. She says she started hypnotizing her children the help them get through the night without wetting the bed. She didn’t stop there, though. She now uses hypnotizing as a tool to help her kids deal with range of problems from performance anxiety to difficulty focusing. In an ABC … Continue reading

Focus on the Candidates – Donald Trump

This blog is part of a series that focuses on the candidates who are running for President of the United States in the 2016 election. This blog focuses on Donald Trump. According to his official website, Donald J. Trump is a graduate of Wharton School of Finance. He is the author a popular business book called The Art of the Deal. You might recognize his name from Trump Tower, the Trump International Hotel, or his “Celebrity Apprentice” TV series. Unlike the other Republican candidates, Donald Trump does not have any background in politics. He has never held an elected position. … Continue reading

Helicopter Parenting is not Helpful

It is natural for parents to want the very best for their children. They make sure their kids have brushed their teeth, feed them healthy foods, and check to make sure that their homework is done. All of this is done because of love. That being said, there is a point where things become too much. It turns out that helicopter parenting can actually harm a child’s future prospects. What is a “helicopter parent”? Parents Magazine says that the term originated in 1969 in a book called Parents & Teenagers written by Dr. Haim Ginott. Some of the teens he … Continue reading

Banning Chocolate Milk Doesn’t Improve Nutrition

Parents who had children in several schools in Oregon noticed what they viewed as a problem. The kids were much more likely to drink chocolate milk than they were to drink white milk. The parents believed that banning the chocolate milk would force the kids to start drinking more white milk. Instead, things did not work out as planned. It is safe to say that the parents in the school district’s PTA meant well. They were hoping to make changes that would provide better nutrition for the students. They believed that removing the chocolate milk, and only offering white milk, … Continue reading

What to do When Other People’s Kids are in Danger

Most parents are very careful and cautious with their children. They put in a great deal of effort to keep their children out of dangerous situations. Sometimes though, things happen and a child could wind up in a situation that is not at all good. What can you do when you see that a child, who is not yours, is unsafe? Here are some suggestions about what to do. What to do if You Think a Child is in Danger A Child Has Been Left in a Car There are a lot of parents who will tell you that they … Continue reading

Swapdom Lets you Swap Kids Clothes with other Parents

Are you looking for used baby items? The traditional way to find them is to ask your friends and neighbors if they are willing to give you the baby items that their children have grown out of. This method is generally “hit or miss” and requires a bit of networking skills. offers a more efficient method for finding free baby items. There are many different methods that a parent can use if he or she is looking for free baby clothing (and other baby items). You could let your family members, friends, and co-workers know that you are in … Continue reading

Coupon Countdown: Extreme Savings in Four Weeks

Would you like to start saving up to 90 percent off of your groceries? It is very possible, thanks to coupons and extreme saving strategies. In one month, you can leave the grocery store with a skip in your step instead of a grimace at your grocery receipt. Forget the expensive couponing classes and read this article instead! Week One: Find Serious Coupons While clipping your Sunday morning coupons might have saved you a little bit in the past, it is time to get serious. You want high-value coupons, and you want many of them. Don’t settle for one newspaper … Continue reading