Help Falling Asleep

As I was helping my son fall asleep, I was thinking about the potential problems that I am created by actually helping him fall asleep. So many of the other moms of young boys that I know do no such thing as laying down in their son’s bed to help him fall asleep (I must be crazy). A small part of me wishes that I could get my son to just go to sleep on his own without being scared. Perhaps this is a behavior that I can teach my two year old, but as I lay next to my … Continue reading

Co Sleeping With Baby Number Two Part II

Employing the use of the co sleeper when our son insisted on sleeping with us was an utter failure. While we had the mini co sleeper attached to our bed it still dropped down four or five inches. I could not simply nurse our daughter in the side laying position and shove her over and down into the co sleeper. She clearly preferred sleeping next to me rather than in her own separate space. From that point on, I did not try to use the co sleeper for night time. I ended up putting it downstairs and using it for … Continue reading

Co Sleeping with Baby Number One Part II

With more confidence in co sleeping (although I had more experience with the co than the sleeping bit… I was one tired mommy), I figured that it was time to try nursing in the side laying position. Once the breastfeeding pain had largely diminished and when my son was more sturdy (around three or four weeks). We ventured into the wonderful world of baby nursing while mommy can fall asleep in a more comfortable position (laying down instead of sitting up). This worked well and I was finally getting some sleep without having to get out of bed or sit … Continue reading

Co Sleeping with Baby Number One

When I was pregnant with my first baby I mulled over whether or not my baby would sleep in the same bed as my husband and I. I had heard several arguments for both. I went back and forth on the subject for the duration of my pregnancy. I was leaning more towards not co sleeping. I was petrified at the possibility of hurting my baby. The first night with my newborn son was short. He was born at two in the morning and we got to bed at five in the morning. We went to sleep with our son … Continue reading

Dial Down for Dollars

Comfort. It means that your house is warm, but not too warm. It means that in the coming winter, your furnace keeps chugging along. But all of that comfort costs you money. On average, Americans spend around $1000 a year on natural gas. Some of this goes to hot water, but a portion of this goes to warming the air in your home as well. So what can you do? You don’t want to compromise comfort, but you do want to get a gas bill that doesn’t cost the world, especially since so much of that bill comes in a … Continue reading

Camping Fun: Playing With Rocks

For many people, summer equals camping. I confess to being a person who prefers the comforts (and fridge) of a cabin to sleeping in a tent, but the idea is essentially the same. Nature abounds and nature activities are the order of the day. This is one of the joys of learning in the summer. It’s so easy to get out and enjoy yourself outdoors. If you are hanging out at the campsite making dinner or setting up camp, the kids will probably have fun moving into and out of the tent and arranging it endlessly. They can also traipse … Continue reading

“Monkey Mind” Could Help Your Child Fall Asleep

There are nights when it seems as though your child is never going to settle down and go to sleep. Children who have ADHD tend to have quite a bit of difficulty calming down and laying still, two things one must do in order to be able to sleep. You could try reading them a children’s book called “Monkey Mind”, by Phoebe Lee. It is a story that kids with ADHD might be able to relate to. It seems like an incredibly unfair quirk of Fate that kids who have ADHD are so dramatically affected by a lack of sleep. … Continue reading

Before You Opt for Sleeping Pills

When we talk about having trouble sleeping, there are many things that you can try before turning towards medication. Prescription medication for sleep disorders are not like taking a Tylenol PM. They are highly addictive and can have massive side effects. If you’re having trouble sleeping, play close attention to what you are eating and drinking in the evenings. Avoid snacking two hours before bed, that way your body has your food digested and it’s not just sitting in your stomach. Of course you should avoid caffeinated beverages, such as soda, tea, and coffee. You should try and avoid these … Continue reading

The Fight Against Sleep

Sleep is a difficult thing to understand. For some reason I don’t understand (though I’m sure science has its reasons) human beings need to spend a certain amount of each day in a state of inactivity. The fact that I find sleep, while refreshing, sort of annoying as an adult suggests that I can’t imagine a child’s confusion about he process. I used to, when I was younger, fight off sleep as something to be avoided. I couldn’t play with my toys while I slept, play games, or build towers and knock them down. Sleep, while important, has never seemed … Continue reading

Tips for Getting Your Baby or Toddler to Sleep

Sleeping is not something you can really teach a baby or a toddler, but it is definitely something you can facilitate as the parent. It’s all about creating a schedule and an environment that is conducive to sleep. Remember the famous line, “make him an offer he can’t refuse”? That is exactly what you have to do when it comes to getting your baby to sleep. You have to create that desire for sleep. You have to make it easy for your baby to fall asleep as well. These are things you do for yourself and take for granted. You … Continue reading