Long Trips at Seven Months

Spring Break snuck up on the town like higher gas prices and egg shaped pastel candies. Once again my wife and I prepared for the overly lengthy trip back to Iowa. Our near thousand mile trek was certain to be different than our previous trips. It was also, certainly, going to be more difficult now that our son is more mobile than he has been previously. Strangely, the trip went extremely well and I can’t quite reason out why. One of the smartest decisions we made was to split the trip over two days and bite the proverbial bullet of … Continue reading

More Travel Tips: Now for 4 Months!

As Christmas approached my wife and I knew that we had yet another task ahead of us: travel. Our invitable 15 hour trip loomed over our heads like a dark cloud. We knew, however, that at the end of the cloud would be much greater than a silver lining. We would find warm beds, clean towels, and more smiles and hugs than we are able to give each other at home for lack of additional arms. The last time we embarked on this epic journey we were able to complete the trip in a single day… would the same be … Continue reading

Instant Energy/Happiness/Joy

I’ve written about this before (link) but I felt compelled to write about it again. This blog is about the daily education of a new father: joys, bumps, tips, and trials. The last time I wrote about my son smiling I was experiencing his first smile directed at me. Recently he’s become even more expressive and responsive. His interactions with his parents have become more controlled. The effect on Dad, also, has increased tenfold or more. This past week my wife and I attended the funeral of our son’s great-grandfather (my wife’s grandfather). This was obviously a time of sadness … Continue reading

Long Car Ride Tips for Babies Under 3 Months

I’m still in Iowa and that means that I took an extremely long trip (by car) to get here. How long, you might ask? How does 15.5 hours sound? Long? Short? What if I told you we tried to make it in one day (and did). Hmmm? Interest peaked? I hope so. Granted, we only made it in one day on the way up and haven’t proven similar success yet on the way back. That said, I’d like to give some tips that my wife and I learned during our lengthy journey with our son. Tip one was leaving early. … Continue reading