Adventure to Inspire – Homeschool Blog Review

Over the last month, I’ve had the chance to talk with ToriAnn Perkey, homeschooling mom who runs the blog Adventure to Inspire. As we’ve chatted, we’ve investigated her reasons for choosing homeschool for her family, and today I’d like to talk about the blog itself. I was first introduced to the blog by her husband, Josh. I’m usually a little leery when someone says, “Hey, my wife blogs. Check it out.” But I’ve known and respected Josh for a long time, so I headed on over. What I found was an awesome resource. There are articles sharing thoughts and ideas, … Continue reading

Running to Mommy

Getting married means taking a huge step—not only toward your new spouse, but away from friends and family who used to comprise your whole world. You’ll still love them and share time with them, but your focus should be on your new spouse. One of the hardest adjustments that takes place in a marriage is for the bride to learn to lean on her husband instead of on her mother. Now, not every girl has a close relationship with her mother, but for many, their mom is their confidante and their best friend. They turned to their mom for advice … Continue reading

Sappy Love Songs and My Husband

The other day, I was listening to a particularly sappy love song, sung by a man, and the thought popped into my head—are these lyrics representative of what a man really thinks about his woman? Or are these songs targeted to the female audience and therefore, only give the women what they want to hear? I asked my husband this question, and he shared some interesting insights with me. “The mushy songs, no,” he said. “But the songs that talk about faithfulness and feelings that endure, yes. Those are the songs that resonate with me and the way I feel … Continue reading

When Your Husband Doesn’t Seem Excited

First of all, this is not a generalization of all men. I have known plenty of men who show a lot of excitement about their wife’s pregnancy. But I have also talked to a lot of women who expressed frustration over their husband’s seeming lack of enthusiasm over the pregnancy. They may be happy, but they are just not as excited as the woman expects them to be, which of course gets the wheels turning in her head and pretty soon she’s convinced he doesn’t really want to be a dad yet. Then the drama begins. Sometimes, there are real … Continue reading

Lessons Learned – New Health Blogger Intro

As a new health blogger for I wanted to take some time to introduce myself. Through the years I’ve been a granddaughter, daughter, two times a wife, sister, and a mother—five times over. At this point, my family consists of only my girls and my sister. Everyone else in my family passed on at a young age, even my first husband. I feel that facing so many health-related tragedies is what spurred me on to study many health fields, as well as doing my best to take care of my own health and that of my girls. No matter … Continue reading

What Does it Mean to Be Head of the Household?

What does it mean to be the head of the household? That’s the question someone raised recently in response to an earlier blog written by someone else on this site. In this blog I’m going to try and answer what it means for a marriage for someone to be the head of the household. Let me start by saying what I don’t think it means. It doesn’t mean that one person is in charge and rules everything that happens in the marriage. I don’t believe, as the last person who commented did, that it means the head of the household’s … Continue reading

My Son’s Father

Since my son was born he has only seen his dad one time. We ran into him at a local event when my son was just over a year old. Tonight, we ran into him again. My son’s father held him for the first time. I’m not sure how I feel about everything that just took place. It would be fine with me if my son’s father wanted to be involved in his life, but he is the one who told me he didn’t want to be involved. It was his choice to never see him. It is hard not … Continue reading


Earlier yesterday my wife remarked about the fact that she does everything pertaining to our son. While I’d like to be able to disagree with this perspective it would be somewhat impossible. All of our son’s primary needs are met by his mother. My wife feeds him, clothes him, bathes him, soothes him, gets up in the middle of the night with him, spends the days with him, and on and on. Her saintly actions glitter brightly against the stark darkness of my indirect actions. This got me thinking about what I actually do for our son. People keep asking, … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: November 2008

I hope that you had a good holiday with your little one(s). November went by so fast, it is hard to believe that december and the holidays are already upon us. Here are all of the blogs that we posted last month in the Baby Blog. November 1st Baby Blog Week in Review: October 20th Through October 26th As parents, we always worry about our children. It is so important to stay informed, whether it is an issue with BPA in plastics or baby clothing that is causing medical issues. Explore the posts in the Baby Blog for the week … Continue reading

Why I Was Embarrassed to Admit I’m a Stay-at-Home Wife

When I finally made the confession that I’m a stay-at-home wife, I alluded to the fact that I felt guilty and suggested that I was embarrassed of my status. It’s true. Guilty as charged. But why? The Way I Was Raised The reason for that is because of my mom. In “Another Reason I’m Married Without Children”, I explained how my mom didn’t like kids and looked down on motherhood. But it went beyond that. I don’t know if she was a feminist, but she had feministic tendencies for sure. It was drilled into my head from an early age … Continue reading