What’s New at HealthCare.gov?

If you haven’t visited HealthCare.gov recently, you will want to go back and take another look. There have been many changes made. Previously, the website was a resource to learn more about upcoming changes in insurance. It still is, but the focus has shifted to helping people get ready for the health insurance Marketplace. HealthCare.gov was specifically mentioned in a recent post by Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services. The post first appeared on HealthCare.gov, and also can be read at the White House Blog. The post is titled Countdown to Affordable Health Insurance. It has information about … Continue reading

Abuse of Mental Health Sufferers in Hospitals and other Institutions

No form of mental health problem is anything that any person would wish upon themselves. Apart from the emotional pain, there is the continued stigma of mental illness and the ongoing refusal by some individuals to understand that those suffering from any sort of mental illness cannot just “snap out of it”. Sometimes, due to the seriousness of a mental health issue, hospitalization becomes necessary. What many people do not recognize is that more beds are occupied by mental health patients than by patients suffering from a physical illness. This is a startling fact as it emphasizes just how many … Continue reading

Nursing Back to Health

After spending two days whimpering in pain, fever, and sickness with his Dad my son got what he really needed: Mom. I’ve said before that my wife does everything but it’s really true. A major skill my wife possesses that I do not is the ability to nurse our son. It’s not only about nourishment though. My son is significantly more calm and relaxed when he is with his mother. During the two days he was with me he was constantly looking around. He’d look to the sofa, look in the bed, look in the kitchen and the bathroom too. … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: November 17th Through November 23rd

Are you having a quiet Thanksgiving with your baby, or will the whole extended family be there? Babies just add a special spark to the holidays, don’t they? Here is the Baby Blog week in review for November 17th through 23rd November 17th Baby Blog Week in Review: November 10th Through November 16th Here is the Baby Blog week in review for November 10th through November 16th. November 18th Your Special Baby Lyrics Do you have a special song that you shared with your baby? There are certain songs that are special to me for each of my children. These … Continue reading

Nursing Nuisances: The Nursing Strike

A nursing strike is very simply when your baby decides that he or she is not going to nurse. They most commonly occur between six and nine months of age and very rarely result in permanent weaning. Many moms assume that a nursing strike means that the baby is ready for solid foods but in fact, few babies “strike” to eat solids. There are several factors that can cause a nursing strike. The most common is when mom yelps during a nursing session after baby has taken a bite! However, a yelp of pain is a normal response to a … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Why Can’t You Breastfeed a Baby on a Schedule? Part 2

Question: I always hear about you’re supposed to breastfeed on demand but I have a problem with this. First of all, I feel like the baby needs to work on my schedule, not me being a slave to the baby. Second of all, I don’t think it’s healthy for babies to “snack” like that. Doesn’t that just set them up for bad eating habits later? Thirdly, I think it spoils a baby to respond every single time they cry. And finally, if my baby is on a schedule won’t he sleep through the night better? Yesterday I addressed the first … Continue reading

Canadian Moms to Receive Finland Baby Boxes

Mothers in Canada are about to start receiving the popular maternity package that mothers in Finland have been receiving for 75 years. It is a maternity package from the government that is designed to be a starter kit of baby supplies. In Finland, an expectant mother will be given a box full of baby supplies by the state. This tradition dates back to the 1930’s, and is given to all infants in Finland, from all social backgrounds. The Finland Baby Boxes includes the following items: * Mattress, mattress cover, under sheet, duvet cover, blanket, sleeping bag/quilt * Snowsuit, hat, insulated … Continue reading

Avoid Swimming Pool Sickness

And I thought chasing after a wet, naked child in public was a problem… Imagine taking your kids to the city pool to cool off on the first day of summer vacation, then being forced to spend the next week nursing them back to health. A growing number of kids are getting sick from swimming in public pools.  The problem has become so widespread the Center for Disease Control recently issued a warning to parents about protecting their children from recreational water illnesses. Heath experts say even regularly maintained pools can contain contaminants like cryptosporidium.  If a person doesn’t shower … Continue reading

Signing Part I

I first came across the concept and practice of signing with infants when I was doing my pre pregnancy research on how to best achieve a better and healthier birth.  Once we were pregnant with our first child, a son, I came across the information again and even watched a few videos of a mother signing with her fifteen month old daughter.  The idea is that parents start using sign language with their infants for basic words e.g. “milk,” “all done,” “diaper,”  so that the infant can communicate basic needs and wants before he or she is verbal. This not … Continue reading

Losing the Baby Weight

Today, I went back to the gym the first time after the baby. He is almost 6 months old. I realized I had a lot of work ahead of me when we went on a very easy hike a couple of weekends ago and I was sore after. So, I decided it was time to get back to work. Unfortunately, between nursing (I’m not one of those people that nurses and the “weight just falls off”) and being on a very restricted diet the past few months, getting back in shape was not a priority. Now that I have enjoyed … Continue reading