CDC: “Make Sure Your Child is Fully Immunized”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported that cases of measles are on the rise in the United States. A Washington Post article that was published on April 24, 2014, points out that (at the time of publishing) 129 people, in 13 states, across the United States, had been infected with measles in the first four months of 2014. The CDC says this is the biggest measles outbreak in the United States since 1996. The CDC website points out that measles is a highly contagious disease, and that it can be very serious for young children. The … Continue reading

Protecting Your Children from Identity Thieves

Identity theft doesn’t just hit adults. Children are especially vulnerable to it, since they have clean credit and financial histories and no background information or signature on file. This makes it easy for thieves to take out credit and loans in a child’s name. In most cases, the victims and their families never even realize that there is an issue until the child becomes an adult and pursues his or her own credit and financial footprint. Then it becomes obvious: years of bad debt, defaulted loans and possibly a criminal background. The web of identity-related issues can be ponderous and … Continue reading

Bullies and Mama Bears

There’s a bully in our preschool. All the kids are afraid of him. He hits, kicks, screams, throws toys at them. He’s younger than all the other kids, but they couldn’t handle him in the toddler room so they put him in the preschool room with the older kids. Logan has come home with bumps and bruises and it is almost always because of this little boy. The teachers do what they can, but he beats on them too. I’ve never seen a more difficult child, and it has been hard for me as a mother to have my little … Continue reading

Maximize Your Cropping Adventures

Organized scrapbooking crops are not cheap. However, the memories you can make at them are priceless, which is why it pays to experience at least one or two in your lifetime. In order to make the most of your cropping weekend adventure, it’s important to get organized, so you don’t waste precious time while you are surrounded by inspirational scrappers. Remember to pack your papers, embellishments, adhesives and tools. In addition, you may want to bring along a cushion to sit on. Some crops offer comfortable ergonomic chairs with padded seats, while others simply provide metal folding or banquet chairs. … Continue reading

You Might Want to Cancel Your Progressive Insurance Policy

What company does your car insurance policy come from? If it comes from Progressive Insurance, you might want to consider changing companies. Progressive treated the family of a woman who died in a car accident, (through no fault of her own), without compassion. Matt Fisher’s story will break your heart. This could happen to you. Matt Fisher is the brother of a woman named Katie. He wrote a blog that described the ordeal that Progressive Insurance put his family through after Katie was killed in an automobile accident. The fault was with the other driver, who ran a red light … Continue reading

Vacuum Fears Part II

It never crossed my mind that my children would be scared of the vacuum cleaner. From the moment my son experienced the sights and sounds of the vacuum cleaner, he was terrified. After lots of tears and exercise (he was always running away), my son and I fell into a vacuuming routine. First I would announce that I am going to vacuum which of course required picking up all the toys, clothes, papers, etc that were scattered all over the floor. Then we would move side tables, chairs, and other small pieces of furniture out of the way. Finally, I … Continue reading

You Won’t Lose Your Health Insurance

Certain politicians are saying that the Affordable Care Act is going to cause you to lose your health insurance. What a frightening thought! Fortunately, it simply isn’t true. In this blog, I will explain why the Affordable Care Act is not going to make you lose your current health insurance coverage. The difference between having health insurance coverage and being uninsured is huge! Those who have health insurance can afford to get preventative care, can see a doctor when they get sick, and can expect their health insurance company to help them pay for at least part of a hospital … Continue reading

Protecting Your Camera at the Beach

Growing up in Hawaii, it was no big deal to see people storing their cameras in coolers at the beach. In fact, I did it for years. I’d simply deposit my camera into its case, place it in a Ziploc bag and tuck it into a cooler somewhere near the soft burger buns and away from hard soda cans. Frankly, I thought it was one of the most ingenious ideas around. After all, it’s never a good idea to expose a camera to excessive heat and humidity for long periods of time. Likewise, a cooler can also protect your camera … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – May 6 -12, 2012

Once a week, the Insurance Blog Week in Review gives you a brief description about everything that hit the blog in the past seven days. There could be anywhere between twelve and fourteen different blogs appearing in that amount of time. What did you miss? Here is your chance to “ketchup”. Oregon has Insurance for Growers of Medical Marijuana It is similar to a crop insurance policy. This specialty type of insurance is to provide some protection for people who are growing marijuana that is going to be used for medical purposes. It provides some finances to help if the … Continue reading

The Hidden Fire Hazards in Your Home Part 2

Have you eliminated all of the hidden fire hazards in your home? I have to tell you that there were a few that I didn’t catch until I learned about them from an interactive exposition about fire safety. Yesterday, I covered two hidden fire hazards that are commonly overlooked in the home, one of which I was guilty of having. I want to share some more of these, in the hopes that it will keep everyone safe. The Clothes Dryer The dryer we currently have spews lint out at me every time I open the door after a load. I … Continue reading