Your Parents Will Affect Your Marriage

Whether we like it or not, our parents and the way they brought us up will affect our marriage. You might choose to follow their example or you might look at what they did and decide you need to do the opposite. Children who come from families that have divorced and especially those divorced multiple times, can often have a problem themselves when it comes to marriage. They may be hesitant to commit because they’ve seen first hand how easily marriages can break down. If your mother has been one who put her children’s needs over that of her husband, … Continue reading

Sappy Love Songs and My Husband

The other day, I was listening to a particularly sappy love song, sung by a man, and the thought popped into my head—are these lyrics representative of what a man really thinks about his woman? Or are these songs targeted to the female audience and therefore, only give the women what they want to hear? I asked my husband this question, and he shared some interesting insights with me. “The mushy songs, no,” he said. “But the songs that talk about faithfulness and feelings that endure, yes. Those are the songs that resonate with me and the way I feel … Continue reading