Stacking Bean Cans

The other day our son had found himself a task to work on and he was making certain it was going to get done. Mom had ordered a large amount of canned beans that came in boxes (not in bags) and were stacked in the bottom of our pantry. Luckily, our son was readily able to reach these items that were placed on the floor. Mom and I sat on the couch reading and all of the sudden we heard a clinking sound to our left. On the little step that leads down into our kitchen we caught the briefest … Continue reading

The Momless Morning

I got home late one night. Really late. Everyone was asleep. I was very tired. I hit the pillow and soon after fell asleep. I awoke to my wife leaving early. She was heading somewhere. She told me about this before, earlier, but I was really tired. I tried to go back to sleep for a while. I tossed and turned. I pulled the covers over my head. I covered my eyes with a pillow… alas. Not possible. I awoke. I carefully checked on our son (still sleeping) and decided to make some tea and try to get some work … Continue reading

Washing My Hands

One of the few things I remember doing while alone as a child was pretending. I constantly pretended that I was on a boat, or driving a car, or that my stuffed animal could fly, or that the tree in the backyard was a monster. I think pretending is a very prominent quality in all children. In part I think it stems from mimicking the world around them. Over the time I’ve spent with my son watching his development it seems that he learns things by trying to do what we do. Talk and he tries to repeat what you … Continue reading