The Gluten-Free Diet

The Gluten-Free diet is an excellent choice for people who have certain health conditions. It is not ideal for everyone. Before you begin a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor about it. What is the Gluten-Free diet? A gluten-free diet is one that excludes foods that contain gluten. Gluten is the general name for the proteins that are found in wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro, KAMUT, khorasan wheat, and einkorn) rye, barley, and triticale. Gluten acts as a glue that holds foods together. People who go on a gluten-free diet stop eating foods … Continue reading

6 Steps to a Simple, Nonmaterialistic Life

Six easy steps you can take, starting today, to live a more simple and debt-free life  Live Below Your Means Did you know that the average American spends $1.25 for each dollar he or she actually earns? Scary isn’ it? We live in a culture where living above your means is so normal, so casual, that we don’t even realize it. Create a budget and aim to live below your means, not above. Value Usefulness Over Status The clothes we choose, the cars we drive, the homes we live in and the electronics we carry sometimes are often purchased for … Continue reading

Five Steps that Will Help You Go on A Spending Break

If you have an unexpected bill, want to take care of a new purchase with cash, build up an emergency fund or just get closer to paying off your overall debt, you might want to consider going on a spending break. How much extra money you accumulate will depend on what you normally spend in any given time period plus how long you decide to stay on your spending break. Saving $500 this month is not unthinkable for most families. Before you get started with a spending break, you’ll need to have a plan to ensure the best success and … Continue reading

Are You Shopping at the Right Grocery Store? Four Steps to Save 20 Percent or More

Choosing the right grocery store can save you 20 percent or more on groceries before using coupons. If you were buying a big ticket item, such as a television or a new washer and dryer, you would do some research and shop around, right? Since food tends to be the biggest general family expense after housing, it just makes sense to do your research before you step foot in your grocery store. Just spending $225 a week on your groceries, adds up to almost $12,000 a year!Imagine shaving close to $2,400 off of that total food bill, doing nothing other … Continue reading

5 Steps to Getting Your Car Paid Off Early

Paying off your car loan early will save you hundreds of dollars in interest charges, eliminate a monthly expense, and increase your credit score as your rate of debt to income goes down. Plus, you’ll get a real sense of accomplishment knowing that your car is completely yours, free and clear. 1. First do your homework Review your loan paperwork before you start. Most car loans are simple interest loans. That is, the interest accrues during the life of the loan, so paying it off early will save you a lot of money. In a precomputed interest loan, on the … Continue reading

Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 1}

The homeschool cup runneth over with homeschool blogs.  Many frazzled homeschool moms and those at a loss for inspiration have found restoration in many of the amazing homeschool blogs on the net today.    My experiences blogging about homeschooling has opened up a world that I may have otherwise missed; both as a homeschooling mom and as one who profits from blogging.  Many homeschool moms have also discovered this opportunity and desire to learn more about profiting from their blogs. Since most homeschool homes balance on the tip of one income this potential source of support or business is becoming more … Continue reading

Ten Months Old Part II

In my daughter’s short ten months she has become accustomed to her brother’s antics. For the most part she gets along really well with her brother and loves to watch him dance and play guitar (she actually finds it hilarious and goes into giggling fits). She has also developed her own love of music and she even has her own dance moves to songs that she recognizes and likes. While she genuinely enjoys all different kinds of music, she is a particular fan of playing children’s songs on the guitar with her daddy. Her favorite song is called “Yellow Bus.” … Continue reading

Scary Places: Eastern State Penitentiary

Maybe it’s just because I am a law abiding citizen, but I think prisons are pretty creepy in general. Maybe it’s the barbed wire fences, maybe it’s the road signs warning you not to pick up hitchhikers, or maybe it’s just my imagination running away with the horrible crimes committed by those inside. But, can an abandoned prison be even creepier? Maybe, especially if it reportedly haunted! The Eastern State Penitentiary is located in Philadelphia. It opened in 1829 and held bad guys behind bars until it closed in 1971. Then, it was abandoned. For 20 years, the prison just … Continue reading

The Basic Steps For Writing An Ebook

I am sure that I am not the only freelance writer who wonders whether they will ever author anything other than the pieces that they produce for the writing assignments that they take on. Writing is enjoyable for me, and I have been able to find projects that allow me to express myself creatively while earning money. Someday, though, I would like to write something independently of work. I am not sure how and when I will ever find the time to do that, but it is still a dream of mine. Since the process of getting a traditional book … Continue reading

North Dakota has a Healthy Steps Program

Every state has a Medicaid program. A portion of that program is designed to cover children who come from low-income families. In North Dakota, CHIP is also called Healthy Steps. It covers children who are under the age of 18. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to cover low-income individuals and families who cannot afford to purchase health insurance from a private company. The funding for Medicaid comes from both the federal government and the government of an individual state. In North Dakota, the Medicaid program is administered by the North Dakota … Continue reading