To String a Guitar

A really long time ago I wrote about my son drawing on one of my guitars (my classical guitar to be precise) and, as a result, busting some of the strings on the instrument. This wasn’t a problem. I wasn’t angry. The strings were getting old and needed to be replaced anyway. I just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. This would, I thought, force my hand. Alas, time and situation and circumstances out of my control left that job undone until this past week. We’ve changed states, homes, jobs, seasons, etc… and now the new strings are finally on … Continue reading

Gibson Guitar Raided by Feds

Lately, the Feds have been raiding several businesses in the local town of Millington, Tennessee. I haven’t really been paying attention, but I think it was due to some illegal gambling. So the other day, I heard something about the Feds raiding somewhere in Memphis and I sort of ignored it until I heard it was the Gibson Guitar company. I couldn’t imagine what the Feds were doing raiding a guitar company unless it had something to do with the gambling, but no, it was something completely different. Both the Memphis and Nashville offices were raided because agents from the … Continue reading

The Little Guitar

I’ve talked about my son being interested in music before. He’s constantly surrounded by guitars, drums, pianos and other instruments on account of having musically inclined and interested parents, as well as an extended family interested in music of all forms. He’s been listening to music since he was a very young boy (in the womb, in fact) and it’s always been important to him. He dances and wiggles his pointer fingers when he hears anything resembling a beat (I can’t adequately describe how cute this dance actually is) and is always the life of the party (he had a … Continue reading

The Crayon and the Classical Guitar

Ever since I finished the testing for my doctorate (starting with the summer of woes and progressing through late last semester) I realized that I had completely stopped playing music. One of the things I probably haven’t shared on here is that I play a musical instrument. My parents were not fond of a grade school music instructor so I never did music in grade school. It wasn’t until I turned sixteen that I remarked “I want to play guitar.” It turned out to be a great thing. I took six months of classical guitar lessons from a really nice … Continue reading

To Draw

Children just love to draw, don’t they. It’s probably one of the first ways that they can more permanently influence something outside of themselves. While the toys always get picked up, and the block towers always get knocked down, the drawing they give to Mom and Dad that hangs on the fridge remains. An artifact of something they’d done before. While looking at their art is something quite special, the act of transferring pigment or a marking to another surface is the stuff of magic. The reason many people seem to want to write a novel (or is it a … Continue reading

The Piano Player

Ever since we moved away from family we missed one thing (other than family) more than any other: music. Not recorded music, which is in abundance, but live music. And not so much the ability to go out and here some live music (as we can from time to time) but the ability to produce it ourselves. One of our specific goals as parents is to have an environment of art surround our children. Our son is reaping those benefits as much as possible at the moment. A couple of years ago we purchased a relatively nice keyboard. It isn’t … Continue reading