Are You Spending More to Save?

I am THAT mom. The one that’ll drive an extra five miles out of her way to save five bucks on her daughter’s Halloween costume, even though gas is just shy of $4 per gallon. Though, if I drive an extra 10 miles I can save six cents per gallon. I am THAT mom. The one that’ll spend five hours trying to calculate how much she really saved by utilizing the $5 off costume coupon. Even though the trip included sitting in a gnarly traffic jam which robbed her of 20 minutes of precious time. Make that priceless time. Walking … Continue reading

Family Friendly Home Business Ideas

If you are a working parent or parent – to – be and you are thinking of making the switch to home – based work or a home – based business so that you can be home with the kids, that is great. Many home – based professionals are able to successfully combine working with parenting. If you are wondering what kinds of home – based jobs or businesses work best for stay at home parents, here are a pair of ideas to get you started. One easy idea for home – based work that fits in with family life … Continue reading

Tender Mercies

Before my divorce I had been a stay-at-home-mom. When we separated, that was no longer an option for me. My parents graciously took us in so that I could finish my schooling, but I soon realized that this would also mean that my little Logan was going to have to be in daycare. With me not working I wasn’t sure how I was possibly going to be able to afford such a thing. I spent hours researching different daycare centers. The average cost of daycare for a toddler was well over $400 where we lived. I was at the beginning … Continue reading

Daycare Germs

As a single parent it is difficult to keep your child home from daycare every time they get the common cold. You only have so many sick days, and with the snow still falling, your child may frequently end up with the sniffles. Other parents are facing the same dilemma, which means that at any given time your child is going to be around a fair amount of germs while they are at daycare. While this situation isn’t entirely ideal, there are some benefits that come from it as well. Children who stay home are less prone to getting colds … Continue reading

Daycare More Expensive Than College?

I heard something pretty shocking the other day on the radio. The DJ was talking about how the price of daycare for an infant is now more expensive than a year’s tuition in a public college (such as a technical school). On average, parents can expect to shell out $18,000 a year in order to have their baby cared for on a full-time basis. I guess that makes me feel somewhat better since college is just around the corner for my oldest son. He will be attending a technical school that offers an aviation program. I know they say you … Continue reading


When I was married my husband and I always worked our schedules around each other so that we didn’t have to put Logan in daycare. We didn’t see much of each other, which was hard on the marriage, but I didn’t want to leave Logan with someone I didn’t know. Both of our parents worked, they helped when they could, and they are one of the sole reasons I was able to make it through school at the time. Now that I am divorced my ex husband and I can’t really work everything around each other’s schedules anymore. So far … Continue reading

Daycare Uniforms

During the week my 6-year-old takes less than five minutes selecting her outfit and getting dressed for school. She marches out of the house at 8 a.m. sharp sporting either navy blue slacks and a white sweater or a navy blue jumper and a red sweater. Oh, the joys of school uniforms. Maybe it’s because I too attended a Catholic school, which required wearing the same navy blue and white combo, that I am able to appreciate the simplicity uniforms bring to chaotic weekday mornings. Being a slave to uniforms for nearly a decade also makes me intimately aware of … Continue reading

Gender Stereotypes and Babies

The difference between boys and girls in terms of behavior is pretty subjective and largely depends on who you are talking to. Some psychologists will tell you that our children are programmed by our expectations, not their genetics, and how we mold them based on those expectations. I firmly believe that is a load of…. diapers. I do think that families play a huge role in the behavior of the children who grow up in those families, but I also think that gender plays a very big role in their behavior as well. It wouldn’t be a stereotype if it … Continue reading

The End of Daycare

This week my son had the most important unofficial graduation of his life. He “graduated” from daycare. You might remember our hesitation about placing our son in daycare months ago. Despite our overall positive experience with the daycare itself and the daycare providers we are certainly overjoyed to have finally reached the summer months and reconnect with our sons weekday activities in the comforts of home. While my wife was in a meeting this past week I took our nearly-out-of-daycare son to a nearby park and places his little body on the teeter-totter. He instinctively grabbed onto the little bars … Continue reading

Mother’s Day Extended

My wife looked forward to Mother’s Day this year. Last year our son was largely a mystery to us but she felt his presence through kicks and viewed it through the necessity for a different type of clothing (maternity). This year our son is crawling, sprawling, crying, laughing, talking and playing. Mother’s Day was sure to be a joyous occasion. My son even helped me pick out flowers to be delivered to Mom on the special day. While there was much to be happy about, Mother’s Day extended long past Sunday this year. It all started Saturday night. My son … Continue reading