The Freezing Park

Recently it was freezing cold in our part of the great state of Texas. The wind whipping across the flat landscape only made it feel colder. Mom was at work and our son was wanting to have a fun day. Despite the cold we bundled up and headed out to the park in the mid-morning. While the sun was out there was no heat to speak of and the park was deserted. Not a single child to be seen. No one was jogging or out walking their dog. It was, to be quite clear, very cold. Our son had on … Continue reading

Theme Park Fun

Silver Dollar City in Branson, Missouri just announced that it is teaming up with area hotels and other attractions to offer discounts on package deals to families who want to spend spring break in the Show-Me-State without breaking the bank. The popular theme park is just one of dozens of companies lending a helping hand to cash-strapped parents, who want to make this spring break memorable for their kids. Sea World in Florida and the San Diego Zoo are also appealing to families on a budget. Both theme parks are freezing the price of their annual passes, in an effort … Continue reading

National Park Tour—-Adventure in Nature

If your family is anything like mine then you are probably battling a serious case of cabin fever. We live in the Upper Midwest where spring has not yet sprung. Tomorrow the forecast calls for snow, wind, and freezing temperatures. I don’t know if Mother Nature got the memo—but the calendar says we are just a few weeks from summer! When the temperatures do begin to rise we plan to head outdoors (and stay there until fall). Our summer travel plans include hitting some of our favorite national parks, though with near record gas prices we will likely choose ones … Continue reading

Keep Pets Safe from Outdoor Seasonal Dangers

Oh, the weather outside is frightful! People who have one or more pets that primarily live outdoors need to take extra precautions to keep them safe as the weather gets cold and miserable. VPI has created a helpful list of 10 seasonal dangers to outdoor pets. When you go out into the snowy, Winter, weather, you probably bundle up. Most of us wear warm coats, gloves, hats, and scarves if we are expecting to be outside for more than a minute or two. Your pets can’t do that. This could lead to a very serious, and tragic, situation. You might … Continue reading

Score One for the Kids

Since becoming a parent I try very hard not to judge other moms and dads. However, there are some things that I simply cannot reconcile being done to children regardless of circumstances: severe beatings, starvation, mental abuse… and leaving a kid alone in a vehicle. I realize that many, many parents routinely leave their children unattended in vehicles during quick pit stops at stores, the post office, gas station or when picking up older kids at school. I once met a mom who left her 6-month-old strapped in an infant carrier in the back seat of her vehicle while she … Continue reading

Winter Wonderland Vacation

If you didn’t find a plane ticket to Hawaii in your Christmas stocking this morning, then you might as well make the most of your chilly surroundings… or someone else’s frigid environment. Tis the season to travel to the world’s most popular winter festivals. The coldest season of the year brings with it a myriad of outdoor celebrations, which encourage travelers to bundle up, and enjoy Old Man Winter and all his Artic glory. If you are looking for a cool place to spend part of your winter break, check out the following freezing festivals: WISCONSIN They don’t call it … Continue reading

Seasonal Shop and Stay Vacation Packages

You couldn’t pay me to stand outside in the freezing cold in the hours following my Thanksgiving feast in order to score superduperschmooper Black Friday deals. However, I am not opposed to spending the night at a super fab hotel to scoop up amazing savings on holiday gifts. Fortunately, now is the time of year when hotels and retailers partner up to entice holiday shoppers to save when they stay. If you live in and around, or you’re planning to visit Southern California between now and the end of the year, you are in for a real treat. Several San … Continue reading

The Injuries

I’m old. Well, I’m not that old, but I’ve forgotten about being a child. I’ve forgotten about being a kid and having fun. I’ve forgotten about the repercussions of trying new things and being frequently physically active. I’ve spent the last five years either on a stage (acting), in the house (directing, dramaturg-ing, etc.), or behind a book or computer screen learning and doing research. My life has revolved, largely, around sitting in a chair. As I spend more and more time with my son I spend less and less time in the chair (or, perhaps, I just spend the … Continue reading

The Ducks

Today my wife and I took our son to see some ducks. We didn’t go to the normal park I’ve been writing about recently. While they certainly have ducks there it would have been very busy being Saturday evening on a holiday weekend. Instead we went to a public park with no playground. Our aim was to get our son in front of what appears to be his favorite animal. We wanted him to be able to get up close to a real live duck and feed it something to eat. We specifically went out and got something to feed … Continue reading

Countdown to Spring Break

This winter has been especially brutal for residents living in the Midwest and along the East Coast of the United States. Snow, ice, and freezing temperatures have been the norm this season as storm after storm has raced across the country making travel a nightmare from coast-to-coast. You bet we are ready for a break… a hot, sunny, snow-free spring break. When I was in college typically the rule for vacations was: “Go home for winter break. Go wild for spring break.” Basically, it meant you would spend winter recess with family in your respective home state and party with … Continue reading