The Free Money Box

In the kitchen of our house, on a kitchen pantry, sits a brown nondescript box a little smaller than a standard shoebox. It is pretty plain, with the exception of a small white label on it, and a designation written in pencil. The words read, “Free Money.” This little free money box has come in handy on many occasion, and has helped us to buy things we needed or wanted without spending a dime. It is a place we go to first, before we get in the car. Our free money box contains the following types of items: Gift cards … Continue reading

Spending Less on Kids Shoes

Is it me, or are the prices for shoes and athletic shoes rising? It is not uncommon for me to come across kids with everyday shoes that cost $100-$500. With three growing kids, I can’t imagine spending that much on a single pair. Still, it doesn’t make sense to purchase the cheapest shoes either. Not only will this probably not be acceptable to your child, but cheap shoes wear out too quickly. I have first hand knowledge of this. One year I bought inexpensive sneakers for my kids at one of those box stores. In a few months, the shoes … Continue reading

Shoe Boxes to the Rescue

I know the tree and decorations are not even put away yet but it’s time to think about getting organized for next Christmas. The first thing to do is start saving boxes. Every box that comes into your house that could possibly be filled with Christmas loot, find a home for it now. One thing I like to do is save shoe boxes. Shoe boxes are great for so many things but they are really wonderful for Christmas. The best part is you can wrap the top and bottom separately and then just put on the lid instead of taping … Continue reading

Walk a Mile in Your Shoes

There are so many proven health benefits of walking. But did you know that walking as little as a mile a day is not only easy to fit in on a regular basis, but just this small distance can make a big difference in your health. Here is how to get those feet walking at least a mile a day. Invest in a Pedometer One of the easiest ways to check to see if you are getting in at least a mile a day of walking is to invest in a pedometer. There are many inexpensive choices. A while back, … Continue reading

The Shoe Box

Today I’m sitting in my customary location (in front of a computer screen at my desk covered in half-read books in preparation for my qualifying exams) and every so often I shift my body to see around the screen. I’m not certain about what I truly expect to find beyond the screen. Could he be eating another highlighter? Might he be trying to dig into the garbage again? Has he found something of questionable edibility to consume from the floor? All of these possibilities are likely (especially when he’s being quiet) but none of them are correct today. Today our … Continue reading

Great Uses for Shoe Organizers

While I love using containers to organize items in my home, I have discovered another great tool to use. Shoe organizers can do wonders for organizing, especially smaller items that you just can’t seem to find a good place for. The problem with smaller items is that if you do find somewhere to put them, you may forget you put them there or they may not be easily accessible. So let me share with you some great uses for shoe organizers. Let me first clarify what I mean by shoe organizers. I am referring to the kind you hang over … Continue reading

Closet Organizing Ideas: Shoes

Spring is a good time to purge and organize the closets. But if you are facing a mountain of sweaters tumbling from shelves, a sea of shoes in disarray on the floor and clothing attacking you from all sides, then you might not know just where to start. The key to organizing a closet, I have found is to start slowly and to use the right tools. Here are some of the ideas that are currently working for me in our master bedroom closet. When we moved to our current home, we left behind closets and were huge and plentiful. … Continue reading

Keeping a Genealogy Box

Many families keep old family photographs, letters and treasures in a box. In many cases, the box is a cedar chest or a trunk. Or the box may be an old shoe box or a cigar box. If it has been created recently, it may be kept in a plastic storage container. For those of us who haven’t inherited such a box, we can make one ourselves and ensure that there is one in our own family to be passed down to our children and grandchildren. Here are a few examples: Cedar Chest: The cedar chest has been used for … Continue reading

Health at School: New Shoes

Back to school shopping was always a horrible trial for my family. I’ve never been a huge fan of clothes shopping, so it was a miserable experience just for that. Then there was the huge divide in taste between me and my mom, which eventually got settled with this rule: if I picked something she hated, then she got to pick something I hated. Shoe shopping was only slightly less of a battlefield, if only because the choices were somewhat more limited! Much of our shoe shopping (in the elementary school years, at least) was done at the little shoe … Continue reading


If you haven’t heard of Sue Patrick’s workbox system, you are seriously missing out on something. The system is essentially an organizational tool to help you get through your day and organize your time and subjects better. So simple is it, that many people who read the book, or see it done think, “Why didn’t I think of that?” How Workboxing Works: The General Idea The idea is that you have clear shoeboxes and you divide your child’s time up into these “workboxes”. The system is very visual, and so the child moves from one workboxing session to the next. … Continue reading