Spitting Water

I’m an elemental sort of guy: my favorite theatre (now sadly closed) always included natural elements into their productions; the plays I write tend to focus on natural elements. Natural elements are of a particular value. They make you feel closer to the earth itself, closer to the source. There is a reason that songs are written about stars, baptisms involve water, and cowboys ride off into the sunset. There is something we yearn for in those natural elements. They give meaning that transcends the everyday. Elements are imbued with a power when considered by our soul. All that poetry, … Continue reading

Movie Review: “Walking on Water”

When popular surfer Ryan Jennings was a young teenager, his parents divorced, leaving him confused and full of questions about his life. One of his mentors, also a surfer, took him on an amazing trip to some of the most challenging surf spots and taught him valuable lessons, not only about the sport, but about himself. As an adult, Ryan wanted to pay it forward and do the same for two young surfers. He found the two boys he wanted to take by watching their performance on the water. Tyler was a fourteen-year-old with a shock of yellow curls. His … Continue reading

The Birth of my Second Child-It’s a Boy!!, Part 1

If you didn’t get to check out my articles on the Birth of my Firstborn, please do. I had a very different experience with my second. All I have to say is: Epidural. I was a week away from my due date. I had a two and a half year old that I was chasing around, and I was tired. Tired of being pregnant that’s for sure. About midnight on a Friday, I woke up to a contraction. A real one. With my son, I had braxton hicks. I didn’t have that with my daughter. So, when a real contraction … Continue reading

The Water Boy

A while ago our son started drinking a lot of water. Some of this must have been in relation to his waning desire to nurse all of the time and his increasing desire to eat solid foods. When he first started drinking water he had a very small sipping cup and this served his needs for a while. He wouldn’t really drink the whole thing while eating (as he’d soon after nurse) and he’d eventually drink the whole thing but he wasn’t really seeking it out for a long while. The watercup would sit, lonely, on the bookshelf or somewhere … Continue reading

In the Water

…and then we got into the swimming pool. I handed the boy over to his mother for a quick spin in the water. This would be the moment of truth. Would he be happy with this giant pool of fun or terrified by the possibility for horror? As my wife completed her spin in the pool we realized that our son would end up liking the water as he had already started giggling. Once he saw me at the other end of the pool (still trying to convince myself to take the plunge and suffer the brief second of lung-stopping-shock … Continue reading

Cutting Water Costs Without Cutting Hygiene

Right now I have three teenager daughters living at home. Anyone who has at least one teen girl knows what this means. For moms and dads still changing diapers or holding their daughter upright while she learns to rider a two-wheeler, enjoy these simpler times. What having a teenager girl — or two, or three — around the house means is that parents never get more than ten seconds of peace and quiet, clothes are strewn about like the local Forever 21 just exploded, you worry about boyfriends and underage drinking, and the water bill costs as much as the … Continue reading

Do-It-Yourself Halloween Costumes for Boys

Part of the reason I allow my 5-year-old to attend so many Halloween-related events is that I want to get the most out of the money I dropped paying for her overpriced costume. However, if your son is content with using a costume simply to trick-or-treat, then you might consider making your own. After all, why should you drain your bank account if your little guy is only going to dress up for a couple of hours on Halloween night? Save your money, and instead, rummage through your home for the materials needed to make these simple, yet creative costumes: … Continue reading

A Mother’s View from the Pool: Breastfeeding by the Water

It’s that time of the year again… time for a new season of “A Mother’s View from the Pool.” Last year I kvetched about kids wearing Crocs in the pool, babies wearing teeny-weeny bikinis, and parents, who use lifeguards as their personal babysitters, while they chat on their cellphones, read their rag mags, and work on their tans. This year we are fortunate not to have to make the daily drive to our local city pool. By a rare stroke of luck the fees we pay to live around here were actually used to fund something worthwhile (besides snow removal): … Continue reading

A-Rod Plays Madonna’s Waterboy While Kanye Wants to be Elvis

After months of rumors, have Madonna and Yankee Alex Rodriguez finally going public with a romance? Well, maybe not exactly, but tongues are still wagging about something that happened Wednesday night. Madonna was in Miami at the Dolphin’s Stadium playing a sold out show. As you might imagine, one can get parched performing like that, so thankfully, there was someone in the front row to hand her a bottle of water. What? Madonna took a bottle of water from someone on the front row? Well, yes, but it wasn’t just any someone – it was Alex Rodriguez. Now, maybe the … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008

Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. Don’t worry about the missing last week of blogs. I’ve gotten quite a few questions about where I have been. The Baby Blog tends to go on hiatus the last week of the month. That may change in the … Continue reading