Your Tween May be Posting Personal Information on Instagram

Instagram is a popular social media website that is primarily about photos. People post selfies, photos of what they had for dinner, vacation photos, and whatever else they want to share online. What many parents don’t realize is that teens and tweens are sharing a lot more than photos on Instagram! The terms of service at Instagram state: “You must be at least 13 years old to use the Service”. It is possible for a teenager to simply make their own Instagram account without asking their parent for permission to do so first. Some parents will make an Instagram account … Continue reading

Increase Your Earning Power Right Now!

There are two ways to be more financially solvent: cut your costs or earn more money. While there is nothing wrong with using coupons or getting the best prices on your purchases (we stretch our money in many ways), you may get a bigger bang for your buck, so to speak, when you increase your income. After all, while there may be a limit to how much your save, there isn’t a limit on how much you can potentially earn. 1. Earn money on the side The easiest way to increase your earning power is to start a side business. … Continue reading

Where Were You on That Day?

Today, many genealogists have created online blogs that they use to talk about their research, post family photos, and share family stories. I have a suggestion for a topic that will give you a lot of material to work with. Ask your family members where they were when a significant event happened, and write down their stories. There are certain events that are so shocking, and so tragic, that they cannot be forgotten. Sometimes, those events affect an entire nation, (if not the entire world). People remember exactly where they were, and what they were doing, right before they found … Continue reading

Online Popularity Contest

A warning to parents: Excessive use of Facebook = depressed kids. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) believes that equation to be 100% true. So, all you moms and dads with Facebook obsessed kids: Be afraid. Be very afraid. I am not on Facebook. Consequently, my second grader has no clue that the social networking site exists. Thus, zero exposure to Facebook = darn happy kid. Despite this fact, I will try to remain humble and not turn this post into an exercise in self-validation. Rather, I will just stick to the facts. According to the AAP, a link exists … Continue reading

Start With Yourself – And Go From There

I recently decided to start working on my family tree. Since this isn’t something I can devote a lot of time to, I am doing it in “baby steps”. This week, that step is to see if I can find a copy of my birth certificate. I’ve heard it is good to start your research with yourself, and work from there. Sometimes, there is a strange synchronicity between what I am working on, and what life brings me. Last week, I decided to begin working on my family tree. There is a piece of advice that has been passed around … Continue reading

Family and Community- Create Your Own

We all try our best to be good at parenting and when you are a single parent it seems like there is even more pressure to get it right. You don’t have another influence on your child, it’s just you so you better be doing a good job. No one says that but that’s how you feel. Every day I think, how can I be a better mother? I think the best thing I can do for my child is give her a family and a community of support. Her family may not be the one she is born into … Continue reading

Does Your Filing System Really Work?

I’ve always been proud of how organized I am, you might even say I’ve been cocky about it. Paperwork comes into my house and it is immediately filed, most of the time. I brag that I can lay my hands on anything you want in under five minutes. I really thought my filing system was working. Probably because other than tax paperwork I haven’t needed anything in my filing cabinet in a while. I have a system, a good system that made sense to me, other people might not understand it but I thought I did. Until Hailey’s accident and … Continue reading

Doing Disney

Last weekend our neighbors piled into their van and drove more than 80 miles to see Disney on Ice: Treasure Trove. The live ice-skating extravaganza features costumed characters from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Aladdin, The Lion King, Mulan, and Tangled. I know this without having to shell out $50 a ticket to see the performance myself, because my scrapbook fiend neighbor snapped more than 100 photos of the show and has about half of them already displayed in a Disney-themed memory album. Personally, … Continue reading

Are You Qualified to Run a Home – Based Business – Part 2

If you enjoyed yesterday’s post about how to determine whether you are qualified to run a home – based business, you may want to continue doing the rest of this thought provoking exercise because listing your previous work experience was just one step in the direction of learning about what kind of home – based business you are qualified to run. Oops, I may have just let the cat out of the bag – we were talking about whether you are qualified to run a home – based business, and the exciting truth of the matter is that many people … Continue reading

Did a Pandemic Affect Your Family?

When the weather gets cold, people begin to prepare themselves for flu season. They get flu shots and stock the medicine cabinet with the items that they may need if the illness visits their home. Every year, or every couple of years, there is talk of specific strains of the flu like Swine Flu or Bird Flu that are worse than the usual, garden variety influenza that can leave you miserable for a few days. These strains are more dangerous and can even be deadly. This is not a new thing, though. Throughout time disease pandemics have caused quite astonishing … Continue reading